Courses - Accountants Studio

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Accountants Studio
Creating Accounting Professionals

Accountants Studio - our main
Induction and Training course
Our Accountants Studio course provides new accountants all their training needs to get "Job Ready" in an accounting firm.

The Accountants Studio Course - Our ‘Preparing Financial Statements’ e-learning course takes a Client’s staff member through the fundamentals of New Zealand based accountancy principles and tax law, and guides them step-by-step through the process of how a typical end of year set of financial statements and workpaper file is prepared.  The course guides the trainee through completing an in-depth model job where they will apply all the skills learnt during each module of the course.  This course focuses on the preparation of special purpose financial statements for tax purposes.

The course is self-paced and can be started when it suits the new staff member. It generally takes under 4 weeks for a new staff member to be job ready and onto chargeable work.
Accountant being trained using induction and training course of Accountants Studio
The cost of the Accountants Studio course is $4,500 per trainee (plus GST) which includes access to the course for 12 months and a paper-based study guide to accompany the online course. There is a one-off setup fee of $500 (plus GST) for training the mentor in using the online portal and how to monitor each trainee's progress, the mentor guide and supplying the model job information ready to be imported into the firm's accounting system.

Talk to us if you are planning to put multiple staff through the course for bulk user discounts.

If you would like to purchase this course for your trainees, then get in contact on our 'Contact Us' page. We would love to have a chat about your training needs and how this course can be a part of your firm's procedures for new accountants.

Our Rental Property training course
If you have trainees needing to be trained on how to complete a rental property job for a client, we have created the "Accountants Studio Series" in conjunction with our other brand, Rental Coach.

This series of courses can be taken by newbie trainees and by the end they should be able to prepare a real-life rental job for a client (excludes tax return filing).

These courses can also be used as refresher training for those who have been in practice a while to keep up-to-date with the rules! Each course is eligible for unstructured CPD hours. Each course can be purchased for $75 each, or $250 for all 4 courses (Including GST).
For more information, see our 'For Accountants' page on the Rental Coach website.
Accountant being trained using induction and training course of Accountants Studio
Accountants Studio -
Creating accounting professionals through providing an
e-learning solution for accountancy firms for the training of
new accounting staff.
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