Accountants Studio
Creating Accounting Professionals
How we help
We know there are many challenges facing accounting firms at present. Recruitment and staffing is always near the top of the list.
We have talked with accountants and identifed the big issues that they face in regards to staff and how our training and induction course can help.
Which of these issues are on your list?
Problem faced by accounting firms: | How Accountants Studio can help: |
Difficulty finding experienced staff. Succession planning for retiring staff. | We can help you to train up the people you employ that have the right attitude, but need the accounting skills. |
Lost revenue due to time taken by experienced employee to train new accounting employee. | Valued employee takes on a mentor role instead of a trainer role. The course significantly reduces time required for experienced employee to spend with new accounting employee. Experienced employee able to continue with chargeable client work. |
Length of time taken to train new accounting employee. | Online, self paced learning enables more content in the same amount of face-to-face teaching time. Advantage of getting new accounting employee onto chargeable work quickly while also covering all the content they need. |
Consistency & reliability of training. | Using the online course means nothing is missed and each employee receives the same training. |
Ability &/or willingness of experienced employee to train new accounting employee. | Less time commitment required by experienced employee as their role is a mentor instead. |
Enable working from home for staff. | The Accountants Studio course is delivered via the internet with no additional software needed. Working together with scheduled mentor catch-up sessions from within your firm, new staff can be trained and operate from their own home, enabling you to offer better work/life balances or being able to recruit staff from out of your geographical area. |
Quality of training material used. | The course is continually updated with legislation changes automatically. It includes a relevant Model Job. The course covers the whole process e.g. timesheets, review process, ethics, tax planning and business advisory aspects. |
Reliance on staff trainer, constant availability of training (if staff leaves, goes on maternity leave) | Online course available anytime as long as internet is available. |
Creating professionals not just technicians. | The course is designed to incorporate decision making processes, business advisory topics, application of theory to real life situations, and teaching principles that can be applied to different contexts. |
Relevancy of course material. | The course incorporates theory and applies to practical through model job. There is a focus on business advisory and real client situations throughout. Written by New Zealanders, with New Zealand accounting experience, specifically for New Zealand accounting firms and covering New Zealand regulations and legislation. |
Courses that are just theory. | The course is highly practical all the way through with examples of how to apply certain rules, quiz questions, and an updated model job that the trainee will complete while completing the course. We cover how the CA ANZ and tax rules apply in doing an accounting job - including adjustment journal entries that are required - so that the trainee will have hands-on experience in the course. All this helps your trainee to be "up and running" quicker. |
Let's Chat
We would love to chat about how Accountants Studio can partner with your accounting firm and help allievate some of your staffing and training issues.
Get in contact with us and we can chat over the phone, or set up a meeting to discuss your training needs and how Accountants Studio can help.
Accountants Studio -
Creating accounting professionals through providing an
e-learning solution for accountancy firms for the training of
new accounting staff.
Creating accounting professionals through providing an
e-learning solution for accountancy firms for the training of
new accounting staff.