Accountants Studio

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Accountants Studio
Creating Accounting Professionals
What we do
Accountants  Studio focuses on providing an e-learning solution for accountancy firms for the training of new accounting staff.  Through our e-learning  courses, we provide up-to-date training that is focused on the "Whole of Job" - everything that an employee will need to know to successfully complete a set of financial statements from start to finish as well as tax returns and GST returns.

Our focus is on creating accounting professionals - accountants that are just more than accounting technicians. We aim to create staff members that will become assets to the accounting firm through the knowledge they gain through the e-learning course.

Using Accountants Studio’s e-learning solution will provide a cost saving for the accounting firm as the senior staff member who would normally mentor the new staff member is not required to spend extended periods of time training. While there will still need to be a mentor for smaller firm-specific training items, the bulk of the training is taken care of through a model job provided as part of the e-learning course.
Accountants using laptop doing induction and training using Accountants Studio
Accountants Studio -
Creating accounting professionals through providing an
e-learning solution for accountancy firms for the training of
new accounting staff.
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