Services - Accountants Studio

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Accountants Studio
Creating Accounting Professionals

Our Services
Accountants  Studio offers an e-learning environment to train new staff into an accountancy firm. Our focus has always been on the "Whole of Job" perspective so that once through the course, the new staff member will  be an accounting professional, not just a technician.

The Accountants Studio Course - Our ‘Preparing Financial Statements’ e-learning course takes a Client’s staff member through the fundamentals of New Zealand based accountancy principles and tax law, and guides them step-by-step through the process of how a typical end of year set of financial statements and workpaper file is prepared.  The course guides the trainee through completing an in-depth model job where they will apply all the skills learnt during each module of the course. This course focuses on the preparation of special purpose financial statements for tax purposes. There are also extra modules on the completion of tax returns and the process of completing a client’s  GST return.
Accountant trained using induction and training course of Accountants Studio
Accountants Studio is written by experienced New Zealand accountants, is specifically for New Zealand accounting firms and covers New Zealand  regulations and legislation, while still keeping it practical and applicable to what a staff member will see while completing  an annual job.

The course is self-paced and can be started when it suits the new staff member. It generally takes under 4 weeks for a new staff member to be job ready and onto chargeable work.

The e-learning course is all web based, meaning no installation of extra programs or out-of-date software: Any changes (such as tax law changes)  are automatically rolled out to everyone. The course is designed so that the new staff member can use their own workstation and become familiar with the firm’s own systems throughout the course.

Accountant trained using induction and training course of Accountants Studio
The e-learning course works in combination with an on-site mentor to help the staff member along the course, with assessment feedback of the  trainee available via an online portal. However, as much of the delivery  of content is done by the e-learning course, the mentor's role is significantly reduced from a standard face-to-face training situation and less contact time is required. Part of the course setup is to train a staff member to be a mentor and get familar with the online portal.

The cost of the Accountants Studio course is $4,500 per trainee (plus GST) which includes access to the course for 12 months and a paper-based study guide to accompany the online course. There is a one-off setup fee of $500 (plus GST) for training the mentor in using the online portal and how to monitor each trainee's progress, the mentor guide and supplying the model job information ready to be imported into the firm's accounting system.

Talk to us if you are planning to put multiple staff through the course for bulk user discounts.

Accountants Studio -
Creating accounting professionals through providing an
e-learning solution for accountancy firms for the training of
new accounting staff.
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